There are many 503B outsourcers in the market. According to the FDA’s website, there are currently 70 registered 503B’s.  Many of these have very specific “niches” that they serve, many are CMO’s, and many are private-system outsourcers.  In the market that Wells Pharma is designed to serve, – acute care hospitals and surgery centers -, there are about 10 registered 503B’s.  Of these, some offer huge product portfolios with every conceivable preparation that any hospital could ever want.  Some have a very limited number of presentations, usually because they are mainly focused on providing ophthalmics or dermatology products, but they have a few hospitals as customers.

During our company development, Wells Pharma committed to providing the highest-volume products and preparations for the hospital and surgery center market.  We don’t offer low-usage products and prep’s, because those types of products can cause problems with production schedules, inventory, etc., and they can drive prices higher for the high-volume products.   Wells Pharma will provide the products that have the highest demand, which helps our customers provide their patients with the medications that they need most.

However, we also understand that many of our customers want a “One-Stop-Shop” as a supplier.  Keeping that in mind, we have begun our commercial operations with 64 products, across a number of categories:  OR Syringes (Phenylephrine, Ketamine, Neostigmine, Glycopyrrolate, Succinylcholine, Rocuronium, Atropine, etc.), Epidurals/Nerve Blocks (Fentanyl, Ropivacaine, Midazolam, etc.), Pain Management (Fentanyl, Morphine, Hydromorphone), Admixtures (Oxytocin, Norepinephrine, Phenylephrine, etc.), and Antibiotics (Cefazolin).  By offering a number of different presentations for each drug, we cover the vast majority of products that are currently being outsourced by hospitals and surgery centers.  By doing it wisely, we are able to keep our prices down by keeping our efficiencies up.

We know this market, we know this business, and we know that providing the right products is what our customers need and expect. And, we know that a Comprehensive Product Portfolio is one of our keys to success. 

Please visit our website, and “C” the Wells Pharma difference for yourself!

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